Hey counselors and friends! I am so ready for Session 1, and the theme is sports. I am looking forward to seeing you guys in a few days. I do a countdown starting on January 1st through the date that Camp ASCCA starts, and now there are only six days left. All I have left to do is pack.
The activity that I want to try is the bungee trampoline. You must put on a harness to get on the trampoline, and then you can bounce up and down. The OutPost has been remodeled to better serve campers in wheelchairs, and the concert for my session is Happy Landing.
For the sports themed dance this year, I get to wear something comfortable. Some examples are Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Reebok shorts, and a t-shirt. Who am I going to see dressed up this summer? Let’s find out!
The program staff members have already arrived and are serving the campers from Camp Seale Harris which is held at Camp ASCCA. Some of our counselors have worked for Camp Seale Harris before too. The counselors are about to arrive for orientation. Matt and Amber will decide what cabin they will live in for the next 6 to 7 weeks. After orientation, the counselors will be ready for us and fully trained.
One more thing, be sure that the Medical Authorization Forms must be signed by the doctor/parents, and it must be current. All medication changes must be updated.