I attended Camp ASCCA for the first time when I was eight years old. My first summer was in 1988. I’m attending Session 1 this upcoming summer, and the theme is sports.
For new camp friends and parents, Camp ASCCA Rookie Weekend Camp is a good weekend to come and ask all the questions you have about Camp.
Campers must sleep quietly in the cabins, follow directions from the counselors/program staff/unit leaders, and be healthy. You have to stay on the sidewalk when walking with a group. The nurses hand out our medications before breakfast, during snack, and before bedtime.
Campers cannot have cell phones while at Camp, but parents can check the Camp ASCCA social media pages to see what’s happening while their camper is away.
When I started attending Camp ASCCA in 1988, I enjoyed listening to music like I do now. There’s always music at Camp. At karaoke, you pick from a list of songs and sing along with the words at the OutPost. When we are waiting to go in the Dining Hall for meals, we sing camp chants. Some of the ones you will hear are “Creek, Creek, Cabin of the Week,” or “M-O-U-N-D-V-I-L-L-E. Moundville, Moundville.” We also have the ASCCA Concert Series every week and a dance with DJ Jammers.
The food at Camp is always good. We always have tacos for lunch on Tuesdays because it’s Taco Tuesday. Wednesdays morning everyone goes to the Patio for breakfast, and we have sausage biscuits.
I suggest you pack something you cannot leave home without so you’re comfortable. I pack my favorite comfortable clothing, which is Nike shorts and my Chaco sandals. You could also bring headphones, coloring books and Crayons, stuffed animals, or notebook paper with pens or pencils if you want to write a love note. Love notes are read after meals.
Camp ASCCA is still hiring for Summer 2023. They need counselors, program staff, a PR intern, and nurses. You can apply here.