My name is Jonathan VanSteenburg, and I have cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy affects all my muscles and my speech. I am a wheelchair user. I have been going to Camp ASCCA since 2006. Camp ASCCA is in a small town called Jackson Gap, AL (located on the beautiful Lake Martin). All of their staff are caring and loving. During the summer, Camp ASCCA has week-long sessions where people with disabilities can do fun things that they don’t normally do at home.

Going to camp is a vacation for me because I’m able to interact with other people and do more physical activities. Some of the activities that they offer are: water-slide, horseback riding, swimming in the pool, and a whole lot more. I enjoy swimming in the pool because it gives me a nice break from sitting in my wheelchair and it also relaxes my muscles. During the week at camp, I create a bond between me and the staff and when it’s time to check out, I don’t feel like leaving.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more blogs from me soon!