Hey counselors, campers, new parents, and friends! I want to tell you all what Camp ASCCA means to me. When I think of ASCCA, the word that comes to mind is comfort. I always look forward to all the activities that are offered and seeing all the counselors!
When I arrived at Camp ASCCA for the first time in 1988, I was given a button with my name, cabin, group, and counselor name on it. I didn’t know what to expect at first, but my counselor welcomed me to Camp ASCCA. By the next day, I was used to the daily schedule and ready for the week.

Camp ASCCA is my second home, I love this place so much. Everyone accepts me with my disability. Counselors and staff comfort me when I get upset.
I like to wear my Camp ASCCA gear everywhere I go. Some of my favorite things that happen at Camp ASCCA are the concerts, dances, and talent shows.
Don’t forget you need your medical authorization form signed before your check-in date. Check-in begins at 2 P.M. on Sundays, and check-out starts at 9:15 A.M. on Fridays.