August is National Family Fun Month, but every month is Family Fun Month for Camp ASCCA! In addition to summer sessions from June through August, Camp ASCCA has weekend camps throughout the year, including spring, fall, and winter, along with rookie camps for newcomers. Aside from the summer sessions, I love going to the fall camp the best. There are many ways to enjoy a family fun month with Camp ASCCA, like the cabins, the meal times, and the people on staff.
The cabins at Camp ASCCA have something for every camper to make them feel at home. Aside from all of us sleeping in a great big room like siblings, they have little things, like coloring books and different stickers to decorate your name tag. The cabins are also decorated with fun themes that are family-oriented as well. My favorites have been Dr. Seuss, Candy Land, and Hollywood, to give you an idea of what they come up with every session.
On the day you arrive at Camp ASCCA, you get to know your bunkmates and counselors because they will be your siblings and parents for the week until Friday pickup. During fall camp, many times the camper has a parent there with them, and I can ask their parent about what kind of special needs they have. We often have a good conversation about it, and I learn so much about their condition. That’s one of the reasons why I enjoy fall camps.
The meal times at Camp ASCCA are no different from a family dinner. Of course, every cabin has its own particular tables where we can all sit together, but all of the tables are big enough to have 8 to 10 people sitting around them. Before every meal, we say a prayer, just as we do at home with our family. Also like all families, counselors will ask how everyone’s day is going and will share the plans for the rest of the day. I can assure you, that you will not notice you have left home because Camp ASCCA always works to make it feel like home for you.
The Camp ASCCA staff are great at making the place feel like home—to the point that you may not want to leave. The staff members also try to make sure everyone is having a good time and work to put a smile on each camper’s face. Plus, Camp ASCCA always has photographers to capture those happy smiles, joyful moments, and little memories. Keep in mind, almost all the staff are 18 years and older. I hope you appreciate how hardworking their staff is to make sure you will have the best summer ever there.
Camp ASCCA is a great camp for special needs. They do an amazing job of looking after everyone and making sure everyone has fun. I appreciate how hard they try to make sure no one gets homesick while they are away from home. At Camp ASCCA everyone is family, no matter what your differences might be.