Everyone has a favorite season. Mine is spring because after a depressing winter where everything turns brown and dies, spring hits and the flowers and leaves and birds come back again. It sure is a beautiful sight to see when flowers start growing and leaves start out white and then gradually turn green later on. I usually start to notice changes during March as trees begin to leaf and flowers begin to bud. I love spring because of the new growth and the expectation and optimism it brings.
Spring reminds me of the mythical bird called a phoenix. The phoenix symbolizes rebirth because it turns to ash when it dies, but comes back as a bird again when it revives itself. That is what spring is all about: rebirth and renewal. It’s a time to make plans for summer and fall, do some spring cleaning, and get organized and be rejuvenated!
One positive attribute of spring I particularly like is the warm weather. I am cold natured, so I prefer warm temperatures over cold temperatures. I prefer wearing t-shirts and shorts rather than sweaters and long pants. I have more energy to do things when I am comfortably warm, so I get more done in the spring than in the winter.
Spring means that summer is right around the corner. Not only is warmer weather on the way, but also summer sessions of Camp ASCCA are coming up! In the past I have gone to one of the later summer sessions, but this year I will attend the first session in June. Every year I always keep a countdown of months, weeks, and days until my session, and as spring started this year, the countdown dropped to the double digits. As a result, I have already started packing!
Did you know spring fever is an actual thing? It refers to an increase in energy and vitality as well as a feeling of restlessness associated with the end of winter. There’s more daylight, so people have more energy. The days gradually get longer, so you can also accomplish more in a day than you did in the winter months, which makes you feel more productive and proud of yourself.
Also, warm weather and beautiful flowers simply make people feel happy. They want to get outside. So do I. I enjoy walking to get the mail every day as it gives me a chance to see all the new growth in nature. I often take a picture of a new blooming flower or thickly foliaged tree. Although I get inspiration for my paintings from these walks year-round, spring is the best time to find inspiration in nature.
Spring can’t help but make us look to nature. Not only are the flowers and trees in full glory, but also the birds are singing at full volume. It is beautiful to hear! Camp ASCCA’s project for April was a bird house, which was easy for me to make. As you may recall from previous articles, such as my very first one here, I have use of only my right hand, which makes some crafts very difficult, or impossible, to do. Fortunately, my mom helps. However, this time I was able to paint, decorate and even assemble the bird house all by myself! It is hanging outside now with delicious birdseed inside, just waiting for a bird to call it home.
Last but not least, spring is also when half of my family celebrate birthdays, including my own. For a three-week period near the end of March through the middle of April, we celebrate three family birthdays, making spring a joyous occasion for the Joye family.
I can’t wait to see what the rest of spring has in store for us this year.