ASCCA stands for Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults. Camp ASCCA is located in Jacksons Gap, Alabama, on beautiful Lake Martin. When Camp ASCCA started, it was one of the few in the nation because there were not many camps for people with special needs. I think Camp ASCCA will always be my first choice to recommend to parents who have a child with special needs. If you are a parent, you can rest assured that your child will be in good hands and will have the time of his or her life. Let me tell you why.
Camp ASCCA started back in 1976 and is still up and running to this day. This summer will mean 47 years of experience! Camp ASCCA is known throughout the world for its amazing quality service, and it shows. Their years of experience have brought happiness to hundreds, if not thousands of children and adults. This extensive experience has made Camp ASCCA what it is today. There is none better.
The age range to go to Camp ASCCA is six years old and up. Each cabin has about four counselors to help the campers, which works out to one counselor for every two campers. Each counselor is assigned to look after one or two campers specifically. Most of the counselors at Camp ASCCA are college students, and all have a passion to serve others. Counselors encourage us to try new things, but they don’t push us too hard. They are committed to our safety, comfort, and fun. They are like good friends who want what’s best for us.
The counselors and camp staff work hard to make sure campers feel so much at home during the week that they will feel as if they never left home. Each session week has a fun theme; for example, my week last summer was a “Survivor” theme, and we wore animal prints and camo.
Camp ASCCA has a great medical staff, and the nurses and staff members are always on hand. Nurses diligently hand out daily medicine to every camper who needs it, and they always have little necessities ready for cuts and mosquito bites. Their skills and compassion are exceptional.
Camp activities are very impressive because they are specially designed to work for people with disabilities. Your child can do activities here that they can do nowhere else! The staff have found ways to adapt activities so kids and adults with special needs can enjoy them safely, such as painting pumpkins rather than carving them.
However, these clever adaptations are not only for crafts, but also for many other traditional recreational activities which have been uniquely designed for adults and children with special needs. I particularly liked ziplining. Lots of my friends at camp enjoyed tubing the best. Other outdoor activities include horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, fishing, waterslide, archery, giant swing, mini-golf, nature trail walks, and splash pad. Your child can do all these things at Camp ASCCA safely!
As a parent, you can count on Camp ASCCA’s many years of experience, great counselors, expert medical staff, and safely adapted activities to create a wonderful experience and memories for your loved one. Many times, during Family Fall Camp this past October, I heard parents say, “This is a wonderful place for my child” and “I would recommend this place to people with children with special needs.” I agree, and you will too!