Temperatures are rising, and summer is approaching really quickly! Have you started packing for your session at Camp ASCCA? I started packing in January, but don’t let my enthusiasm make you panic. You still have time, even if you plan to attend Session 1, and this convenient checklist will help you not forget anything.
2 Hats (one for shade and one to go with your outfit)
2 Water bottles (one to drink during meal times and the other to drink throughout the day)
1 Pool coverup, or extra T-shirt and shorts in case you don’t own a pool coverup
10 Pairs of socks (if you take off your shoes for rest period, you will likely want clean socks to put on afterward)
1 Warmest jacket you have (if you are cold-natured like me you will need it in the air-conditioned cabin, dining hall, and game room)
1 White bath towel (they will not be able to wash a colored towel with their white towels, and you can use it to cover your pillow after washing your hair at bedtime)
1 Hair dryer (so you do not have to sleep with completely wet hair overnight)
1 Pair of earplugs for showering or sleeping
1 Make-up bag with your make-up (in case there is a dance in your session or for use to go with your outfits)
1 Warm winter pajamas (in addition to the summer pajamas in case your cabin is really cold)
1 Robe
1 Pair of footies (if, like me, your feet get cold at night)
1 Quilt or blanket for extra warmth at night
1 Eye mask (to help you sleep in case your bed faces toward any lights from the bathroom or the desk)
2 Pillows (one to use while reading during the rest period and one to sleep on at night)
2 Pillowcases
1 Book (to read during the rest period)
1 Shoe box or small container to hold your favorite snacks (in case they do not have your kind of snacks)
1 Small alarm clock (in case you like to keep up with the time; the shelf of your bed is skinny and tiny)
1 Notepad and pencil (to get all your new friends’ names and contact information)
1 Master checklist of everything you are taking (to make sure you have everything you need and to make sure you do not leave anything at camp at the end of the week)
Of course, Camp ASCCA provides a packing list of what you need. For the official list of necessities suggested by Camp ASCCA as well as the things you should NOT take to camp, click here.
My list above does not include the items already on their list because I usually pack things that their list never mentions, so be sure to read their list too! I do include a few of the same items, but that’s because I recommend that you bring more than the minimum number they suggest.
As an experienced camper, I have found those items to be my must-haves. They might be useful for your week too.
Even if you forget something, they will likely have something similar on hand. I have said this before, and I say it again: Label EVERYTHING! That way your counselors will be able to pack all your belongings on the last day easily and quickly. Plus, any lost items will be returned to you quickly.
Don’t worry about things such as sheets, towels, wash clothes, and other camping supplies like bug spray, bug bite ointment, etc., because Camp ASCCA provides all that.
I have been going to Camp ASCCA since the summer of 2018, and it is an amazing place. Every time I go, I take note of what I should add to my list for next time. I can’t wait for my session and all the fun of being there. Session 1 is coming soon, and I am excited to see what cabin I will be staying in and who will be my bunkmates and my counselor.
I hope this extra list helps you, and maybe I will get to see you in my session this year!