Fun at the OutPost!

After a full day of orientation and training, our staff enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and nachos at the OutPost! Built primarily by Camp Administrator John Stephenson, it has a structure similar to that of a tiki bar, with a concession area where we’ll serve shaved ice, nachos and other fun snacks. ASCCA pictures recreated by Social Media Specialist Kasey Langley decorate the walls and there’s even a stage! A lot of the staff were seeing the OutPost for the first time and really excited about the cool ideas we have planned for it, this summer.

Our staff work so hard throughout the day, so we always set aside time in the schedule for a little fun! After dinner, staff participated in their own version of Lip Sync Battle. They were split into groups and assigned a song, then given about 15-20 minutes to come up with a small routine to perform for their fellow staff members. Songs performed included classics like “Sweet Caroline” and R&B hits such as Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable”. It was quite entertaining to say the least! The crowd was full of laughs and applause as everyone cheered each other on. Not only was it meant to be fun, but it also gave them an idea of what talent shows and lip sync battles are like during Camp sessions.

Head Counselors join in on the karaoke fun

By popular demand of the counselors, unit leaders even joined in on the fun and gave their own Lip Sync Battle performance. They were given time to put together a routine like everyone else, and while we waited, some of the staff got a chance to participate in a new activity we have this summer…karaoke! One of our Camp Counselors, Billy Grimes, went up and performed an original remix and PR Intern Jasmine Reed graced the stage with her musical talents as well. Activities like these are always enjoyable and help our staff form even closer bonds!

Along with the bar area and stage, we also have designated spots for hammocking. Before the Outpost was built, the space it occupies was already used for that purpose. It’s an activity our campers and counselors enjoy so we figured it’d be a great addition! We wrapped up the night with some hammock transfers and appreciate our staff for doing such a great job. They’ve apprached every day with an open mind and are soaking up all the necessary information to ensure campers have an enjoyable summer. Orientation will continue this week so make sure you keep up with the staff on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Some of the male staff practicing hammock transfers

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Staff Orientation

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