Fun Fish Weekend!

Easter Seals Camp ASCCA once again hosted a successful Fun Fish Weekend! For the weekend of March 21-23, 2014, we had nice weather and good times. Thirty campers from different parts of Alabama attended along with a great mix of Camp ASCCA counselors and program staff. Additionally, we had 18 college students who volunteered their time as counselors and fishing buddies. Two students from Jacksonville State University, 11 fraternity members from Auburn University’s Pi Kappa Phi, and five fraternity members from UAB’s Delta Sigma Phi all helped out. Thank you!

Besides fishing all day Saturday and Sunday morning, the group also enjoyed a warm campfire Friday night and a dance Saturday night.

The volunteers we call our “boaters” are very important to our campers and the weekend as a whole. We hosted nine boaters for the weekend. These men and women bring their fishing gear and boats and host campers on their boats and on the docks, helping them to catch fish! Many of these boaters have participated in the weekend for many years and enjoy coming back.

After lunch Sunday afternoon, an awards and prize presentation ceremony took place.

For “Most Fish Caught”
1st Place: C.J. McGuire with 38 fish
2nd Place: Wayne Lee with 34 fish
3rd Place: Carrie Underwood with 24 fish

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Opelika, donated $50 which was used to buy prizes. A generous boater, Greg Ramsey, also donated many $10 Wal-mart gift cards for prizes. And for those of you interested, we used Fish Tales Bait & Tackle in Alexander City for all of our bait needs.

And finally, we give a big THANK YOU, to the Alabama Central District of Civitan International. The Civitans have been HUGE supporters of Camp ASCCA for many, many years and have in the past few years, supported and sponsored the Fun Fish Weekends. They sponsored the shirts for the weekends, and even bought more shirts so we’d have an additional profit! Not only did they enjoy activities during the Fun Fish Weekend 2014, they held a work party to benefit our facility maintenance. There are many areas at camp that need “spring cleaning” and the group did an amazing job cleaning up.

To see photos of Fun Fish Weekend 2014 and of the Civitan’s work day and donation, please visit the set on our Flickr page here.

Camp Director Matt Rickman is shown receiving a donation from Civitan District Governor John Lanier.

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