“Giddy-up!” “Go!” and “Start!” are the most common ways that our campers use to get Skip, the horse, going around the equestrian ring. This is one of the most loved activities by campers. Some campers ask their couselors to sign them up for this everytime there are evening free choice activities.
When campers and counselors arrive at the equestrian circle, program staff employee Isabel gives them a refresher of all of the rules around Skip. Campers must all wear a helmet and walker belt that fit perfectly on their head and waist. Counselors are expected to make sure that both fit right on the campers’ bodies so that the maximum safety precautions are taken.
One camper and counselor are allowed into the horse’s area at a time. The camper will either be instructed on how to get on the horse or a proper tranfer is made so that the camper is safely and comfortably positioned. At least two program staff employees are always helping campers and counselors through the process.

Once the camper is properly positioned, they can say any word or phrase to get Skip going! One “Giddy-up!” and the group is on the go. One person is always guiding skip and two others are on each side of the horse holding on to the walker belt on the camper to make sure the camper remains stable throughout its ride.

The program staff employees do their best to give the campers a good time around Skip. It definitely has the campers eager to come back each day! Check out our Flickr for more pictures from horseback rides and the rest of Camp ASCCA Session #1!
Karla Silva, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 1