Tonight, we ended our day with some much-needed relaxation and pampering! Teen Week is always one of the most fun weeks out of the summer, and tonight proved it. We had a pajama party for girl’s night in!

Everyone showed up in their pajamas ready to have a cozy and fun-filled night. We had a nail painting station, friendship bracelets, snacks, ice cream sundaes and even watched a movie. We also had a dance-off at the end! Everyone cheered each other on as Fini and Tyree showed us their best dance moves.
We snacked until our tummies ached, laughed ’til our cheeks hurt and talked ’til we had nothing left to talk about. Girls’ night was so much fun the memories that were made tonight will last a lifetime.

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.