We caught some MONSTER fish this afternoon at the pond, just ask our campers about them.
*Fish: an animal that grows the fastest
between the time it’s caught
and the time the
fisherman describes it to his friends.
and the time the
fisherman describes it to his friends.
This afternoon we went to the pond, casted our lines and waited for the fish to bite, which is by far the hardest part of fishing. After what felt like forever to most of our campers the fish finally started biting. The campers loved getting to pose for a picture with their huge catch of the day. Some even gave their fish a farewell kiss before having to toss it back.
My favorite moment of the afternoon was when camper Shannon Blackwood caught his first fish! What makes this particular memory so special is because Shannon is blind. After Shannon reeled in his fish he posed and smiled for a picture, but the real smile came after the flash when his counselor put the fish in his hand. Shannon felt of the fins and the slimey scales while we described what the fish looked like.These are the moments that make Camp ASCCA a magical place!

At the beginning of the summer Tommy Bice, a member of Camp ASCCA’s first summer staff, told us something that I didn’t fully understand until today. He said, “You will become someone’s arms, legs and eyes this summer never forget how special you will be to your campers this summer.” I now understand what he means.
As always it is a great day here at Camp ASCCA!
-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015