Gone Fishing at Camp ASCCA

After months of detailed preparation, it was time for Fun Fish 2017 this weekend. Campers and volunteers ventured to Camp ASCCA on Friday to spend the weekend fishing with their closest friends. Every year in the spring, Camp ASCCA offers a Fun Fish event that lasts an entire weekend and includes fishing on one of the largest man made lakes in the United States, Lake Martin.

Friday afternoon, volunteers arrived early to prepare the cabins, and the campers soon followed. After everyone was checked in with the nurses and unpacked in their cabins, campers and their counselors headed towards the dining hall for dinner and Bingo Night.

Campers had the opportunity to win prizes in each different round of Bingo. Prizes consisted of hats, bracelets, toys, and more. This weekend also involved the birthdays of two campers, and everyone in the dining hall broke out in song to celebrate at dinner.

Saturday morning came with a chilly breeze and high anticipation for the day’s rounds of fishing. Campers and counselors were scheduled to rotate around the ASCCA campus to the camp fishing pond, the dock, and to several boats driven by volunteers around Lake Martin.

Camper and unit leader at the docks

The morning was much cooler than the afternoon as the unpredictable Alabama weather began to heat up after lunch and rest period. After a good afternoon nap, everyone continued to the next scheduled fishing destination. A few campers and counselors had good luck at the pond Saturday afternoon and caught several fish consistently with each cast.

Camper and counselor catch bass fish

At the end of the day, campers and counselors were ready to be recharged with dinner and dancing. After a day of hard work on the water, Food Services Director Enis Higgs created a delicious Saturday night dinner of blackened fish, steamed vegetables, and rice for everyone to enjoy.

camper and counselor at Fun Fish dance

Dinner was a big hit and was later followed by the long-awaited ASCCA dance. Campers danced with their favorite counselors from summers past and the new friends that they made this weekend. A few slow dances and a “Cupid Shuffle” later, everyone was exhausted and ready to get some sleep for the extra fishing round to follow on Sunday.

After breakfast on Sunday morning, the schedule revealed one more day of fishing available at all locations. Campers and counselors suited up in their best windbreakers and headed out to work towards the fish goals set on Friday evening. Many campers came in hoping to catch 30 fish and did just that. At the end of the morning session, Outdoor Education Director Cody Graham presented campers with this year’s Fun Fish awards and everyone enjoyed the final lunch of Fun Fish 2017.

We’d like to thank all of our campers and counselors for making this weekend so great, and we owe a special thanks to all of the volunteers who came out to support us and help us catch the wide variety of fish that Lake Martin has to offer!

Click here to see more moments from this weekend and follow us on social media for all of your summer updates!

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