Good Morning Camp ASCCA

This is our last flag raising of Session 1 and we are all sad to see our campers leave, but it’s not a good bye it’s a see ya later. Just like the Goodnight song says,

“So campers hold hands
And say we’ll never part.
For Camp ASCCA and all our friends
Will live within our hearts.”

The girls of Chickasaw and the guys of Choctaw raised our flag this morning.

Camper, Nick Janusz raised the flag with help from counselor Brenden Hill and then Nick lead us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

The quote of the day was read by Nylah Marshall.
“We are how we treat each other and Nothing more.”
-The Alternate Routes
Daniel Dickson gave us the joke of the day.
What do you call a cow without legs?
Ground Beef!
Our campers have done an amazing job this week! They have stepped out of their comfort zones, overcome obstacles and given us staff members a reason to smile everyday this week.
Session 1 has been a week to remember and I know the campers can’t wait to get home to tell you all the adventures they had this week. We look forward to having many more Camp ASCCA adventures with you next year!
See ya later!

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

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