Goodbye Blog (Clayton Smith)

Well, the time has come. My time here at Camp ASCCA has ended. I’m both very sad to leave but also happy to have just been here.

There are a few people I’d like to thank for making this an awesome experience for me.

First, my bosses, Dana, Matt, and John. I would like to thank them for allowing me to come back. I try my best to prove my worth here. Hopefully I have improved from last year and they were satisfied by my material.

Second, the fellow staff members. Whether they are counselors, program staff, or unit leaders, they have helped me out on so many occasions. These are some of the most selfless, funny, and nicest people I have ever met. I wish them best of luck for the future.

And finally, my partners, Kasey and Megan. You two have become some of my very best friends in such a short period of time. You are always willing to help me out whether it comes to work or personal problems. It would not have been a great summer without you two. Thank you so much for being awesome friends.

Now, I shall spent the next three seasons waiting to come back. Thank you for following me on this amazing journey, Take Care.

– Clayton Smith, PR

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