Goodbye Session 5

Now that the week is finally at an end, I can now say that this week has been one of the best this summer.

Everyone enjoyed their last full day here at camp. This morning we all had a break from the extreme hot weather and it stayed overcast and cool for everyone! Today is Thursday and you know what that means DANCE TIME! As I walked into the dining hall tonight everyone was dressed from head to toe as a character off of a Disney movie. All of the staff and campers had a blast dressing up as one of their favorite characters. Everyone danced the night away and enjoyed their last night together.

As the night came to an end, it was time for the goodnight song. Campers and staff joined hands and began to sing, as everyone began to sing there were tears shed and laughter throughout the room. This week was some of the counselors last week and we all thank them for their hard work. All of the summer staff this year has became a family. As everyone knows, camp could not be possible if everyone did not pull together. The summer is getting shorter and we only have a couple of weeks left here at camp. Everyone is not wanting it to end and wanting it to last.

Tonight really made this whole summer worth it for me. People say Camp ASCCA is a magical place, and I am one to say it is. No place on Earth could ever compare to ASCCA. The love people have for each other here is amazing and overwhelming, and I pray that one day you will get to experience that love in some way. So as we hugged the campers and staff tonight we didn’t say goodbye, we simply said “see you soon” because we all can’t wait to see each other again. We hope to see everyone back next year to have another awesome Mobile Rotary week!!

-Abby Brown
Session 5

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