Guntersville Lady Civitans — THANK YOU!

Social Media & Marketing Specialist Elise had the privilege of attending the Guntersville Ladies Civitan Club meeting on March 19th. While there, Elise shared information about Camp ASCCA — our mission, the wonderful individuals we serve, and the exciting developments at Frith Landing.

The Guntersville Ladies Civitan Club generously presented Camp ASCCA with a $10,000 donation, which will go toward the construction of the fifth cabin at Frith Landing. We are thrilled about the opportunity to share these cabins with the families of our campers and hope they will enjoy them as much as we do.

A special thank you goes to Janey Sanderson, a current Camp ASCCA Board Member, for reaching out to the Ladies Civitan Club and informing them about this new project.

The Ladies Civitan Club has supported Camp ASCCA in the past with campership donations, and we are incredibly grateful for their continued generosity. Organizations like this are vital to our success — we would not be able to serve so many individuals with disabilities without the support of such amazing and compassionate people.

Our donors are a huge part of why Camp ASCCA thrives. They give selflessly to further our programs and enrich the lives of our campers, and for that, we are endlessly thankful.

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