Hall Foundation Camp – A Time of Endless Memories

It was a chilly morning when everyone woke up today for another day of the Hall Foundation Camp, so the ASCCA staff made a few adjustments to the activity schedule to adjust to the weather and avoid chilly water activities for a few hours. Instead of the usual morning rotations, campers and volunteers took an adventure and trekked around the ASCCA campus to different “Free Choice” activities.

Today’s free choice schedule consisted of arts and crafts, archery, demo farm, and water slide. The first three programs were the most popular to start the day with temperatures in the high 50s, but many campers found themselves at the waterslide for a few rides before lunch.

At arts and crafts, Nurse Abbey spoke with the campers about their beautiful artwork and an additional opportunity for them to create a few creative pieces to decorate the health building. Many of the campers began to work hard on their own masterpieces that will soon be hanging on the walls of the ASCCA health building for all of its visitors to see. The demo farm was also a big hit because we recently got in a few of our summer farm animals. We currently have goats, chickens, rabbits, and a horse named Skip.

This afternoon campers and volunteers will be rotating through tubing rides at lakefront and boat rides. Also, the excitement continues to grow for tonight’s dance, and everyone has already begun to plan out their dates for the evening.

The students volunteering from the University of North Alabama are working hard to bond with the campers, have fun, and soak in everything that they have learned so far in this experience, and a few of them were especially excited about the chance to go tubing on Lake Martin.

The week will be winding down tomorrow morning after breakfast, and many campers are already looking forward to the opportunity to come back next year. The campers, teachers, and volunteers are very thankful for the Hall Foundation because their support helps make this week possible each year for people from across the Southeast. The memories made here in just a few days will last a lifetime. If you would like to keep up with all of our activities, you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr!

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