Halloween run to raise money for disability camp

By: Kristen Letsinger Opelika-Auburn News

On Monday, many in the local community will be chowing down on all sorts of Halloween treats.

An Auburn University honors fraternity is giving local residents the chance get a head start in working off some of those candy calories with their annual Halloween Hustle.

Phi Sigma Pi, will be hosting the second annual 5K race and fall festival beginning at 2 p.m. on Sunday.

The event raises money for Camp ASCCA (Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults) in Jacksons Gap, said Phi Sigma Pi treasurer, Kristie Tingle.

“It services all ages of mentally and physically handicapped individuals,” she said. “For our fraternity, Camp ASCCA has something of a special meaning – two of our brothers worked at the camp this summer, and one brother has a handicapped older sister who attends Camp ASCCA each year.”

Tingle said it costs more than $600 to send one camper to Camp ASCCA for a week. The fraternity hopes to raise at least that much during their Halloween Hustle.

“Our chapter got to hear their stories, and discovered what a difference attending camp could make in the lives of disabled individuals,” she said. “At Camp ASCCA, they get to do things they’ve been told they can’t their entire lives – like riding a zip line or horseback riding.”

In addition to the 5K race, the event will include a silent auction as well as events for children such as sack races and face painting.

The event costs $15 and includes a t-shirt. Registration and activities begin at 2 p.m. on Cater Lawn. The 5K race begins at 3 p.m.

If You Go:

When: Sunday, Oct. 30, at 2 p.m.

Where: Cater Lawn on Auburn University’s campus

How much: $15

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