Hanging with Friends!

It is a Beautiful day here at Camp ASCCA!

It was the perfect morning to hang up the enos, get out the horseshoes, turn up some music and just chill out with friends!

Hammocks and Horseshoes is a favorite activity among a lot of our campers, especially during teen week and I am right there with them. Swinging in a hammock and listening to music with friends is one of my favorite things to do as well.


I’m sure that is the same thought that the student from Lee Scott Academy had when she chose to donate $700 to purchase the eno hammocks we use for this activity.

The money was donated in summer 2014 and Hammocks and Horseshoes became an official camp activity for summer 2015.
Lee Scott Academy gives rising seniors the opportunity to participate in Philanthropy 101, a three-week summer program for rising seniors.
Through this program students gain perspective on society’s growing needs establishing understanding and sparking initiative for philanthropic service. Students visit a variety of nonprofit agencies and foundations and hear speakers from a number of charitable organizations. As part of the curriculum, students learn how to analyze a nonprofit annual financial statement and how a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization operates. At the end of the 3 weeks each student is awarded $700 to give to the organization of their choosing.
Philanthropy 101 is sponsored and funded by the W. James Samford Jr. Foundation.

Lucinda Samford Cannon started the W. James Samford Jr. Foundation, in honor of her late brother, with the intent to inspire young people to see the importance of giving back.

Camp ASCCA has been the recipient of various donations from students through out the years and we are so grateful for the many ways that this program has impacted the lives of our Camp ASCCA Family!

As Always it is a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

Check out all the memories being made and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016
Hanging with Friends
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