Hitting the Jackpot at Camp ASCCA!

Today, we welcomed Session 6 to Camp ASCCA! This session is filled with many familiar faces and a couple of new ones. We’re so excited to kick off what is sure to be an unforgettable week.

Our original plan for tonight was to do a pool party and various free-choice activities however, the rain had other plans. At Camp ASCCA, we know how to have a good time despite a few rain showers. Our staff had just the perfect trick up their sleeve, casino night!

The program staff set up multiple games, like Higher or Lower, Texas Hold’em, High Roller, a slot machine, and more. Everyone was given a cup of chips, and it was game on! As always, the goal is to have as much “money” as possible at the end. Our campers were able to turn in their chips for different prizes. These prizes ranged from keychains to pop-its and everything in between.

Though tonight wasn’t what we had originally planned, we made the most of the first night at Camp! Even a rainy day at Camp ASCCA is better than a day elsewhere. We can’t wait to see what the rest of this week has in store for us.

To see more photos from tonight, click here.

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