Hunt For The Stolen Emmy

Yesterday, a robber snuck into camp and stole director Matt Rickman’s Emmy Award! It was our campers’ job to find the robber and get the Emmy back! Every cabin formed groups to go out in search of the stolen award. We hunted all around the camp looking for clues to where the robber may have run away to.

Celebrities new and old helped us along our journey by providing games and movie trivia; if we successfully completed our task, we were given a hint as to where the robber was last seen.

Our search ended in the pavilion where all groups gathered together for a final shot at catching our thief.
Soon after, the robber made an appearance, but he was no match for our guards! Our celebrity staff was ready for the catch and tackled him to the ground!

The stolen Emmy was returned to Matt and the campers cheered! We had a great time on our hunt and are so glad the robber was finally caught!

-Lyndsie McClure
Session Two

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