I Swear I Lived: Session 4

Tonight we circled up, hand-in-hand to sing the Goodnight Song for the last time this week.

We have gone on many adventures this week. We have overcome obstacles, broken down the stereotypes claiming that a person with a disability can’t do certain activities and we have LIVED!

This week has been a dream come true for our campers. They come to camp and for a whole week they got to live in a world where they are just like everyone else.

I had a camper walk up to me tonight at the dance and tell me that she didn’t know that there could be so much love in this world until she came to Camp ASCCA. As I was fighting back tears I gave her a huge hug and told her that I didn’t either.

It’s amazing how this place can open your eyes to the things that truly matter. The quote of the day today was a quote by Mother Teresa, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

This quote describes perfectly what I want our community, friends and family to grasp about Camp ASCCA. Yes, we go on great adventures and get to try things that most of our campers have never dreamed of doing, like zipline or archery, but that isn’t the best part.These activities make great memories and stories to share when they go home, but it is the small things that truly matter the most. Like getting twirled around at the dance by a cute boy while wearing a pretty dress or seeing your counselor cheer you on as you slide down the waterslide or it could just be the hand you hold as you sing the Goodnight song.

We aren’t just a camp we are a family!

Thursday nights are the hardest to say goodnight because we know that tomorrow we will have to send our campers home and even though we know we will see them again soon it is hard to let them go.

It has been a great week! Thank you to those who sponsor our campers to come camp, to the parents who allow us to love on their kids for a week and to our campers for making memories that we will never forget. As the Goodnight Song says, “Your love will live in our hearts!”

To our campers:

We love you and we can’t wait to see you again next summer!

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”

-Dr. Seuss

-Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015

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