Intro to me, Megan Wright!

Helloooo Camp ASCCA and friends! My name is Megan and I am the “PR new girl” here to work with Jackie this summer. Since I’m going to be writing a bunch about just about everyone and everything here at camp, it’s only fair that I write a little about me first.

I’m from Madison, Alabama and go to Elon University in North Carolina where I’ll be a senior in the fall. I’m majoring in Strategic Communications and double minoring in Spanish and Professional Sales. To answer the typical “What do you want to do with that?” question: my dream job is to do television advertising or to work for a sports team.

Just a few fun facts for ya, I absolutely love to travel and spent January-April of this year living and studying in Barcelona, Spain. My favorite food is mac-n-cheese and I drink Dr. Pepper like it’s water. In my free time, I mostly watch movies and TV (I call it “studying”), but I never say no to a nice hike or a pick up game of soccer.

I’m super excited to be here and to meet all the program staff, summer staff and, most importantly, the campers!

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