Introducing PR Intern April Garrett!

Hey guys, my name is April, and I am glad to be back for my second year as an ASCCA PR intern. My hometown is Brundidge, Alabama, and I will be graduating from Troy University in December with a Bachelor’s in English. I plan on continuing my education next fall with a Master’s.

I learned about camp through attending Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) held here at ASCCA every year. I have been a college group leader for the past four years and was a student participant my senior year of highschool. Multiple Rotary clubs sponsor campers during the summer sessions as well as some buildings at camp.

This year, I hope to improve my photography abilities and create more content to be used outside of camp. Last year after my first summer here, I wrote an article for Troy University’s student newspaper, The Tropolitan, about three counselors that go to Troy. I hope writing stories for university or community newspapers will get knowledge of ASCCA out to anyone who would like to attend as a camper, work here, or contribute to camp in any way.

I can’t wait to continue my experiences here at camp and meet the all the new staff, especially my fellow PR interns.

Also, be sure to check throughout the summer for photos and blog posts by my fellow PR staff and I on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr.

April Garrett
PR Intern
Camp ASCCA 2017

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