Introducing PR Intern, Jasmine Reed!

About Me!

Hey there, Camp ASCCA fam! My name is Jasmine Reed and I am one of the PR interns for Camp, this summer. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama and graduated from Spain Park High School (Go Jags!). I am currently a senior at Auburn University, majoring in public relations with a minor in marketing. My career interests include social media management, event planning and digital media analysis.

I’m really passionate about all things beauty, so doing either of those things for a major beauty brand, post-graduation, would be ideal. I’m a Christ-lover, avid reader and cookie dough ice cream eater (Ben and Jerry’s is my favorite !). In my spare time, I enjoy filming beauty-related videos for my YouTube channel, binge-watching on Netflix and spending time with loved ones.

How’d I hear about Camp ASCCA?

Prior to my interview, I heard about Camp ASCCA a few times from one of my professors at Auburn, Robert French. He’s worked with the camp a lot in the past, and would often use his experiences at Camp in class examples. Robert basically raved about the camp for half the semester, and it really got me wondering what this Camp ASCCA place was all about. Fortunately, I got the opportunity to find out!

One of the graduation requirements for the PR program at Auburn, is to complete a ten-week, in-depth internship. It was getting closer to the deadline of locking one in for the summer, and I still didn’t have one. I was talking about this dilemma to pretty much anyone who would listen, and it turned out that one of my sorority sisters worked with some of the campers due to her special education major.

She forwarded me an email from Camp ASCCA saying how they still needed to fill PR intern positions, so I thought, “Why not?” I filled out the application, came in for the interview and fell in love. I almost didn’t want to leave. Between interacting with the staff and learning more about the history and mission of the camp, my heart was so full.

Good News!

In the coming days, I just could not stop thinking about the awesome feeling I had while at Camp ASCCA, and was hoping so bad that I got the position. I was already “naming it and claiming it,” because it just felt so right and so God-sent. Needless to say, I was so excited when I received the email saying I got the position. Robert was pretty excited, too!

In relation to the different tasks I’ll be doing, it will vary between writing blogs, taking photos and posting on some of our social media sites. I’m looking forward to expanding my creative abilities and gaining useful, real-word experience.

I have high expectations for my time here at Camp ASCCA and am looking forward to it being my best summer, yet! Be on the lookout for the exciting content the other PR interns and I will create throughout the summer on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Program Staff Training

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