It was the last night of Session One, and all emotions were in the air. Programs ran the same as usual, but the thing on everyone’s minds was the end of the week awards and the dance. Everyone was so surprised by the awards of this week. The biggest awards we have are Best Program Staff, Best Counselor, Honor Cabin and many others. The Best Program Staff award goes to the person that shows an undying love for their job. They help their teammates or cabinmates when in need or whatever they can do. The Best Counselor Award goes to the person that always puts their camper before themselves. They go throughout the day leaving their troubles behind because they know it’s a new day and they have something way more important to take care of at camp than their personal problems. Honor Cabin goes to the best cabin that always was uniform. We get evaluated throughout the week on things such as clean linens and beds being made, etc.
The Best Program Staff Award went to Phyliss Morgan. She is a part of the Aquatics Staff and she is a lifeguard here at camp. She is an awesome human being who loves to take care of people and just give them all her love and attention. When I asked Phyliss how she came across Camp ASCCA she told me that her brother Rob used to work here, and he would tell her all his stories of camp so of course she had to carry on the family legacy. The Best Counselor Award went to Marianna Farmer. She is an amazing counselor to every camper that she has had. This first week of camp she had Amicha and Emma, and she was definitely like a mother to those little girls. Every time I walked by her she had a smile on her face because she loved taking care of her sweet little girls.

The Best First Time Camper Award went to Cody Allen. He definitely deserved this award because he was always helping out his own counselor and everyone around him. When I was at the pool one day, Cody was in the shade under the pool shed and I was adjusting my camera. He walked up to me and asked if I needed help. That made my day because he stepped out into the sun just to help me. He definitely made his mark here at Camp. The Best Female Camper goes to Briklyn Franklin, she was a trooper this entire week. She hates getting her picture taken, but she secretly loved it. Every time I came to her group she had her smile ready for her picture. You could definitely tell Briklyn loved spending time with all the campers and getting to know the counselors. The Best Male Camper went to Patrick Henton, he was a sweetheart and a goofball. We all loved the joy he carried to start the day!

Last but certainly not least, the Honor Cabin Award goes to CREEK CREEK Cabin of the Week!! Every morning this cabin came out just as early as everyone else screaming at the top of their lungs all of their chants. It was awesome to see their teamwork and determination. Be sure to check out all the photos from the rest of the awards and from this entire week by visiting our Flickr.