It’s Not Goodbye…

As the week comes to an end we are sad to say goodbye to not only our campers but a lot of our summer staff who are returning to school and other obligations. During the Goodnight Song there were plenty of tears shed among the campers and staff, but everyone is filled with the memories of what this summer has brought them.

A big thanks to every single person who worked at camp this summer and helped make sure it was a memorable time for all of the campers so far. Without the amazing people who work as counselors and program staff, Camp ASCCA would not be what it is, so we are so appreciative.

Even though this week is over there’s still one more session of fun to be had next week.

Be sure to check Flickr for pictures from this awesome Hollywood week and always remember that it’s not goodbye, it’s see you later!

Rachel Session 6 2013

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