It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

By Megan Wright
Session 6

This morning and last night were extremely emotional for everyone here at camp. Not only did we have to say goodbye to this week’s awesome campers, but we also had to say goodbye to about half of our summer staff. Most of the summer staff members start back at school soon and needed to go home and prepare.

For those of you who weren’t counting, our counselors were here for 6 weeks and program staff members were here for even longer. Over the many weeks, the summer staff formed really close relationships. With some counselors from out of state and some from out of this country, it will likely be a long time before friends are reunited.

For staff members and campers alike, parting from the people you’ve formed relationships with at Camp ASCCA is so incredibly hard. What makes this just a tiny bit easier is the assurance that we will see each other again next year!

For pictures from the week, look at our Flickr!

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