Journey of Hope Visits Camp!

As another week of camp ended last friday everyone is sad they had to leave but filled with memories from the week. Last week was espescially exciting because of the special guests that came through on the Journey of Hope South Route.

Journey of Hope is a cross-country cycling trip done by members of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity to raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. There are three different routes starting on the west coast on July 15 and ending in Washington D.C. on June 10.

The guys on the South Route were able to come to Camp ASCCA and hang out with our campers and see all the things their cause has contributed to making camp what it is today.

Luke Maslow is one of the cyclists on the team that we got to talk to about their trip. This is Luke’s first time on a Journey of Hope trip and he said that although the trip is challenging, getting to get off the bikes and do programs visits like what they did with Camp ASCCA keeps spirits high. So far his favorite state to cycle through has been Texas.

The Journey of Hope needs public relations work done just like Camp ASCCA and Matt Varnell does just that. Matt handles all the media coverage for JOH South, which includes scheduling any media outlets who want to film the cyclists arrivals or interview a cyclist. Besides his home state of Texas, Matt has enjoyed Alabama the most.

Mike Petko is this year’s team manager. This is his second year working with Journey of Hope and his job is to ensure the fluidity of his team. Mike’s favorite part of his trip this year is watching the relationship between everyone on the team grow and seeing how everyone has each other’s backs.

Donations to Journey of Hope and Push America can be made on their website. Thanks to all the JOH guys for everything they’ve done for Camp ASCCA and on behalf of everyone at camp good luck with the rest of your trip!

Rachel Session 4 2013

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