Journey of Hope visits Camp ASCCA

On Tuesday an army of vans with the logo “Push America” pulled into Camp ASCCA. Within minutes, young men from all over the United States were unloading duffel bags and piling into the Marc Roberts Lodge. Over the next 24 hours these Journey of Hope members were spending time with campers and staff and getting to experience the magic of Camp ASCCA.

Journey of Hope is a cross-country bicycle expedition. Made up of members of Pi Kappa Phi, there are three routes with 35 cyclists each. These men cover 32 different states and altogether cycle over 12,000 miles. Journey of Hope is about spreading a message for people with disabilities; acceptance and understanding.

This morning, the guys geared up and headed out for Carrollton, Georgia with their final destination in mind: Washington D.C.

Journey of Hope, on behalf of Camp ASCCA, thank you for what you do! It was a pleasure having you guys here with us and we know the campers loved having you around!

To learn more about Journey of Hope, visit their website here.

Safe cycling to you all!

Meg Carruth, PR Staff
Session Three

To view more pictures of Journey of Hope’s vist, check out our Flickr page here.

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