Session #4 is finally here and we could not be any more excited about it! After everyone got all checked in we headed over to the dining hall to wait for dinner. Everyone got the chance to meet other campers and counselors and sing some fun camp songs.
After dinner, Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Crow and Davis cabins went to a pool party while Chickasaw, Moundville, Redstick and Cheaha had free choice activities. The activities to choose from were fishing, canoeing, bungee trampoline, karaoke, fishing, and the Wii room!
The bungee trampoline was a huge hit tonight! For the trampoline, you put on a harness and you are strapped to two cables, one on each side. It will then lift you off the ground a little for a higher jump. Some of the campers jumped so high they looked as if they were flying while others even did backflips!

Session 4 is off to a great start and its only the first day! To see more pictures from tonight click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.