Junior Leadership Lake Martin Takes On ASCCA Group Elements

Today is the first day of fall, and Junior Leadership Lake Martin knew just how to celebrate. This morning, high school students from around the Tallapoosa County area traveled to Camp ASCCA for a day of group elements to learn more about each other and the importance of teamwork as they continue through the Junior Leadership program.

Each year, the Junior Leadership Lake Martin brings together a different group of high school students from schools in Tallapoosa County and spend the year helping them understand the importance of leadership for their schools and their communities.

The mission statement of Junior Leadership Lake Martin states, “Junior Leadership Lake Martin will serve as a vehicle to help develop potential leaders for assuming positions of responsibility in their communities by helping to ensure that our youth have the training and skills required to meet the challenges they will face as future leaders.”

This year’s group is definitely one that will leave a positive mark on the Lake Martin area. Their teamwork was impressive as many of them were split from their closest friends to be in a group with people they barely know. However, they still surprised me as I watched them conquer each group element with speed and finesse. No one was afraid to speak up and discuss their ideas on the best steps to take to get the job done.

Now don’t get me wrong, there were certainly moments of doubt and frustration for the young people as they approached new tasks and new rules that they thought were impossible. I heard comments like, “So those are really the rules?” and “There’s no way we can do this,” but by the end of the day all of that changed as each student realized their purpose and abilities moving forward with Junior Leadership Lake Martin. Throughout the day they were reminded that these group elements are just a few of the tasks that they will encounter in their lifetime, but by using the focus and determination they used today, they can accomplish anything that comes their way.

We love having the opportunity to play a part in the training and development of these students and look forward to next year!

Check out more of today’s events here!

Kasey Langley
Social Media Specialist
Fall 2016

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