Karaoke @ the OutPost

Yesterday was the third day of camp, and it felt like one of the sunniest days out of this week so far. Trust me, it was at least ninety degrees this morning. However we were all still out and about with our campers happy to bake in the sun in exchange for their happiness. The highlight of my day was definitely watching all of the campers participate in karaoke @ the OutPost and practice for the talent show. The talent show is today and the entire camp is totally pumped for all the dancing and singing the night will bring.There were so many exciting songs played at the practice that I know that was just a warm up, and the campers are going to blow us away tonight.

They also had hammocks right outside the OutPost, I know it felt amazing for the campers who just wanted to relax. The hammocks were double and single so in case another camper or your counselor wanted the option to get in with you they could. The sun had definitely settled in for this evening, so we were all just enjoying the decorative shade at the OutPost. It was so crowded yesterday that every seat was filled at the OutPost and not a single soul was upset about the turn out from free choice. There were a bunch of songs by Michael Jackson including “Billie Jean” and the unstoppable “Thriller”. Of course everyone jumped up and had to do the dance. It was a huge dance scene and I know the dance killer himself wouldn’t be happier.

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