Kicking Off the Summer With Camp ASCCA Session 1

By Megan Wright
Session 1

This morning, over 70 campers flooded the Camp ASCCA gates to start off the summer with Camp ASCCA Session 1. Not only do we have a lot of campers this week, but a lot of them are new campers! However new or old, everyone is having a great time so far.

Today, the campers have met their counselors and either enjoyed a pool party or participated in an exciting pirate hunt. In the pirate hunt, 6 escaped pirates were hiding around the camp as the campers and their counselors scouted them out to save Camp ASCCA from those no good scalawags! Tomorrow night, groups will switch activities just in case some of those pirates are still lurking around.

After a full day, the campers are resting up for another fun filled day tomorrow. Check out our pictures to see what the campers have been up to here!

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