The Kiwanis Club is a service organization that sponsors programs for children and youth in the areas of leadership, education, and health. Camp ASCCA is proud to thank the Kiwanis Club of Huntsville, AL for sponsoring campers and allowing them to have an experience that they will never forget.
For Session 1 of 2015, the Kiwanis Club of Huntsville sponsored 2 campers for a total of $1,450.00. Members of the Club extend their sponsorship further by driving individuals to and from camp. This is not the first time that the Huntsville chapter has sponsored campers, however. In fact, sources say that they have been sponsoring campers for at least the past 17 years! Wow! We are so thankful to the Kiwanis Club for their outstanding contributions over the years and for being an example to the community.
Check out more news and pictures on the Camp ASCCA website and Flickr!
Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 1 2015