Participants for this year’s Lakeshore Operation Rise & Conquer arrive at Camp ASCCA

On Thursday, participants for this year’s Lakeshore Operation Rise & Conquer arrived at Camp ASCCA for a weekend of adaptive sports and recreation activities. Operation Rise & Conquer is a part of Lakeshore’s Lima Foxtrot program that serves injured servicemen and women. According to, “Qualifying injuries include but are not limited to spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, vision impairments, amputations, burns and/or disfigurements.” At Operation Rise & Conquer, participants are offered the opportunity to do adaptive activities that they may not have done since their injury or may have never done before.

As soon as everyone arrived, participants and Lakeshore staff met together for orientation in the pavilion and eventually headed to dinner. Following dinner, participants had the chance to get the adventure started with activities like wheelchair ultimate frisbee, ping-pong, card games, and much more. By 9:30 p.m., participants and their families headed to bed, so that they could prepare for a couple days packed full of endless activities.

Zip tower at Operation Rise & Conquer

Friday morning started with a breakfast at the dining hall, and participants later trekked across the ASCCA campus to a variety of activities. The weekend’s activities included adaptive scuba, water skiing, bass fishing, kayaking, live fire shooting sports, zip tower, cycling, land navigation, putt-putt, tennis, paintball, archery, and a high ropes course. Saturday continued with a similar schedule as Friday but included a few new activities.

Each activity was open for up to four hours, so everyone had the chance to visit their favorite activities as many times as they wanted. Every evening ended with time at the campfire, so participants could catch up with each other on what the popular activities were for the day.

Each year, we look forward to the opportunity to work with the Lakeshore Foundation and the servicemen and women who attend Operation Rise & Conquer. The possibilities are endless, and this year’s program was unforgettable. You can learn more about the Lakeshore Foundation by visiting their website here.

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