Laughing and Learning with Nature

oday I found myself walking through nature. Camp ASCCA houses the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center. Inside you can learn about trees, reptiles, birds, snakes and just about anything found in nature. Children from Seale Harris Junior Camp were walking around, looking at all the lifelike exhibits the Dunn Center has displayed!
A Camp ASCCA program staff member, Billy, was there to answer questions and to conduct a couple games about nature. He got the entire group involved with the question and answer session. The group was excited to learn these interesting facts about some of the animals they had seen on display. They learned if these animals were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
The children thought it was interesting to learn that some animals did not eat what they thought it should. The group took what they had just learned and played a game. In the game everyone had to wear a name tag of a type of animal. They took a ball of yarn and they would pass it across each other to a different type of animal that they thought their animal could be eaten by or could eat. The string of yarn became a massive food chain web.

By doing this the group could see that each element of nature affects another part of nature. They learned that we are all tied into each other and we should help preserve and take care of the things we have in nature.

The group was laughing and learning the entire time.

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