Lee-Scott Academy Environmental Science Camp 2017

This week, we were joined by students from Lee-Scott Academy in Auburn for a three-day environmental science camp. Students arrived Wednesday morning at approximately 10:00 a.m. with their teachers and parents along for the week. Before activities could begin the group went through orientation with Outdoor Education Director Cody Graham and enjoyed lunch. In the dining hall, there is a specific focus on recycling and valuing our resources during the Environmental Science Camp, so each meal is served on special plates that can be reused for each meal.

Lee-Scott Canoeing 2017

On Wednesday afternoon, the students were split into four groups to go through program rotations at the cargo net, group elements, canoeing, and Nature Jeopardy at the Dunn Center. By the time rotations were complete at 4:30 p.m., students were ready for dinner and a night of fun. After dinner, the Lee-Scott students spent the evening playing gym games and participating in a special scavenger hunt. Cabin lights were out by 9:00 p.m. so the students could get a good night’s rest before the new activity rotation began on Thursday morning.

After breakfast on Thursday, each group rotated through new activities at zip line, Living Streams, forestry, and Step Out and Fish. A lesson was to be learned at each rotation, and students learned things like how to treat the “critters” in Alabama streams, what trees are native to Alabama, and even how to properly bait and cast a reel for fishing. The groups spent the day rotating through all four of these programs, and after dinner, they had the opportunity to wind down with a relaxing time out on the waterslide followed by a night hike.

Before returning home on Friday, the Lee-Scott students had a few more rotations to finish. The groups were set to complete the rotations that they did not get to participate in on Wednesday. Some visited canoeing and the Dunn Center while the others conquered the cargo net and group elements. By noon, the students were ready for their lunch and headed to the bus shortly after to make the trip back to Auburn.

Lee-Scott Group Elements 2017

The Environmental Science Camp is always a fun and educational time, and we would like to thank all of the individuals who volunteer their time to come keep young students informed about the Alabama environment and how to best protect it. We had a great session with the Lee-Scott students and look forward to next year!

To see more of this week’s Environmental Science Camp with Lee-Scott Academy visit our Flickr page.

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