Lee-Scott Academy’s 6th grade science camp returns!

We’ve had a lot of fun this week with another overnight science camp! Thirty-eight 6th graders and eight parents/teachers from Lee-Scott Academy attended their annual science camp April 25-27th.

The students enjoyed teambuilding exercises with Matt, canoeing with Amber, the environmental center with Adair, and a wildlife walk with Geni to see the eagles.

The group also tested out the zip line and tested the lake water. Doug Darr was back this week from the Alabama Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Division with his Step Out & Fish program. The volunteers with Lake Martin Lake Watch were also back with their Living Streams program. It’s always very fun and educational to wade in the streams and look for creatures! One girls dream of catching a salamander finally came true!

See a few pictures from the science camp on our Flickr page here. Enjoy and see you next year!

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