Let’s Give It Up For All Our ASCCA Achievers!

Tonight concluded our last full day of Session 2, this week flew by and we can’t believe it’s already over. At the end of every week, we celebrate our ASCCA achievers. The program staff and counselors vote on who they think is the most deserving of the awards. The awards that are given out are program staff member of the week, counselor of the week, best male camper of the week, best female camper of the week and lastly honor cabin!

Our outstanding achiever at nature this week was Joshua Carr! Joshua was engaged the whole time and even taught everyone else facts about nature that he knew. Harrison Dent won the demo farm award, Harrison was constantly loving on the animals and asked about them every day. Liya Gray was the recipient of the aquatics award. When her name was called she jumped out of her seat and had the most contagious grin on her face.

Susan Goff blew us all away at our adventure activities this week and we could not think of anyone more deserving of outstanding adventure achiever. Richard Stovall this week was the winner of our shooting sports award, he showed perfect precision at archery and riflery. The last award from program staff was Cody Gammon. He won our arts and crafts award. Cody made sure to be very detailed oriented with everything he made.

Next came the award for best program staff of the week which was Tristan Karpicke! We couldn’t pick a better person to run our shooting sports this summer. Caroline Kelley was voted counselor of the week, we are so proud of her and the great job she does when caring for her campers.

The most exciting awards were given out at the very end. The best male camper award went to Sam Sullivan. Sam was such a joy to be around and everyone who met him immediately knew! Our last camper award was the best female camper which was Betty Lee Endersbee. Miss. Betty was constantly smiling and singing songs by Elvis. To know her is to love her.

Our most coveted award is honor cabin! Every week each cabin is given a score based on how clean the cabin is, how much spirit they show and the cheering that goes along with it. This week the winner was Cherokee cabin! We are so proud of all of our winners, what a perfect way to end the week!

To see more pictures from tonight click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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