Let’s go, Skip!

On Tuesday afternoon, campers and counselors had the opportunity to visit a few free choice activities. The options were canoeing, horseback, pool, boat rides, and a cooking class. Many campers chose to visit the equestrian ring because this would be the only rotation of horseback for the week. Outdoor Education Director Cody Graham ran the horseback activity this week and was greeted by many campers throughout the two-hour round of free choice.

Once Cody introduced each rider to the ASCCA horse, Skip, the campers were assisted on to the saddle. Horseback is a special activity as it offers an opportunity for many of our campers to not only get out of their wheelchair for a bit but also offers a wheelchair-free ride on a living, breathing animal. Skip is a gentle, 14-year-old horse that welcomes the campers’ hugs and pats, and the ride becomes that much more special when there is a connection between the two.

Camper rides horseback for free choiceKatie rides horseback

Many campers rode around the equestrian ring on Tuesday, and a few even rode twice. Therapeutic horseback riding is an exciting activity no matter where you are, but we like to think the connection the campers have with our dear friend, Skip, is unforgettable! Keep up with all of the fun things happening here during Session 7 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr!

Kasey Langley, Social Media Specialist
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 7

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