It is Mobile Rotary Week! This is the week where on the Saturday before camp half of the counselors, some full time staff, all nurses and one PR person travel to Mobile Easterseals. They pick up a hundred campers on Sunday and then travel back that day to Jackson’s Gap. When we got back from Mobile yesterday the rest of the staff was all outside waving excitingly to see their new campers for the week.

This four hour drive did not stop the campers from having fun on their first day here. After we got off the bus, we settled down and got all of their suitcases checked and into the cabins. Next was dinner, then free choice and the pool party! The pool party was just as great as any other pool party except for the excitement level. It was through the roof last night, especially after at least half of them passed their swimming test. Campers were taking full advantage of being able to swim wherever in the pool.

Either they were playing a game of pool basketball, just swimming, or singing to the top of their lungs. This is definitely a very special group. When you see all of them playing it just looks like a big group of friends enjoying themselves. A lot of the girls knew every song off of the iPod that played last night, including “Nothing On You” by B.O.B. They truly put on a show filled with dance moves and all different voices. Even a particular camper did every dance move to the Greatest Showman when it played.
To see pictures from throughout the week, visit our Flickr page and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Session five and Camp ASCCA.