After an exta 30 minutes of nap time, campers were more than ready for Free Choice activity rotations. One of the options was a special Nature project with Nature Director Mary Ryan!
To start things off, campers got to make s’mores to enjoy as a tasty treat! Graham crackers and marsmallows were passed around and campers took turns going to the microwave to heat them up. Hershey’s candy bars were added on for the final touch. Everyone ate their gooey treats and chatted amongst friends.

After tummies were filled, the real crafting began! Campers and counselors scattered throughout the wooded area surrounding the Dunn Center, as they searched for tools to make paint brushes. They looked for sticks to serve as the handle of the paint brush and leaves or flowers to serve as the “bristles.”
Once they found the perfect Nature Paint Brush combination, they came back inside to cool off and create their very own masterpiece. This was such a great way to incorporate crafts and nature, getting the campers more excited about the different ways the world they leave in. For more Session 4 excitement, stay tuned to Flickr,Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 4