Earlier this month, we held a special event at the LPR Zipline for the contributors who made the program possible in 2018 and beyond. Peter Levy, Donald Perkins and Glenn Roswal brought their families to Camp on Saturday, Feb. 16, and some of them even traveled from New Jersey. A few close friends of the families also made the trip including Greg Frith and former ASCCA staff member Jeanette Griffey.

While they were here, everyone had the opportunity to experience the incredible new zipline, but first everyone had the opportunity to tour the campus and see everything that has been updated since their last visit. Then, everyone gathered at the fishing pond to suit up for the most exciting trip across the water. After everyone had the opportunity to ride, a delicious dinner was served at the dining hall.
We cannot say thank you enough to Levy, Perkins and Roswal for donating enough to make this new camper favorite possible! See more moments from the LPR celebration here.