Major damage repair under way at Camp ASCCA’s Dadeville site

Published 7:48pm Thursday, May 12, 2011

Original story

The Dadeville campus at Easter Seals Camp ASCCA suffered major damage on April 27 when multiple tornadoes ripped through Alabama.

Though the main campus in Jackson’s Gap was not affected, operations have been suspended at the Dadeville site and no timetable for re-opening has been set, according to administrator John Stephenson.

“We’re moving as fast as possible, and we’ll have a board meeting this coming week to discuss plans for the future,” Stephenson said. “The cleanup is going fine so far. We’re working with Alabama Power on the timber removal, and we’ve had a conversation with the insurance company to get the estimates on cost of repair.”

Stephenson said some representatives of Alabama Power are currently working at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base.

Several areas on the campus sustained some type of damage. One of the two houses on site was completely destroyed, while falling trees damaged the other. The activity center suffered substantial roof damage, and the shop, kitchen and other large shed structures were smashed. All three cabins have moderate to severe damage, as well.

While no cabins were occupied when the tornado touched down, staff member Tom Collier was in the house that had trees fall on it during the storm. He is OK and that’s what Stephenson and others at the camp are most thankful for.

“Tom was our number one concern, and the most important thing was that he was fine,” Stephenson said. “He and his dog were in the hallway of one of the residences and they made it through. He was very lucky because about 60 feet north of him was right in the center of the storm.”

Stephenson said he and the staff greatly appreciate the offers for help from the community, but the main work will require professional help.

“This is a situation that calls for heavy equipment,” Stephenson said. “With the amount of debris and size of it, there’s not a lot people can do at this point. We’re very grateful for the supporters who have reached out to offer assistance, and we’re on a timeline to get back up and running.”

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