Making it personal

This morning Camp Administrator John Stephenson and I were fortunate to attend one of Lake Martin Area United Way‘s bi-weekly campaign report breakfasts. Camp ASCCA is a member agency of the United Way.

After Campaign Chair Jim Peace updated the group on the progress of the 2010-2001 campaign, Executive Director John Ferguson introduced the special speaker, Mr. Derryl Thompson.

Mr. Thompson is the father of long-time camper Shaun. Mr. Thompson expressed to the group how important and meaningful Shaun’s camp visits have been to him and the entire family. He went on to describe examples like how Shaun as a young child was really never interested in playing sports and being physically active. But camp opened up new opportunities, new friends and new peers for him. He never dreamed or could imagine that Shaun, who is typically afraid of heights, would soar down the zip-line!

After all the great stories about Shaun at Camp, I think the most impactful statement was when Mr. Thompson said that “Camp ASCCA is the only place I let Shaun go swimming without ME, his father”. This is truly a great testament to our summer staff who cares for Shaun and all of the other wonderful campers.

Camp ASCCA is only one of many non-profit organizations that benefit from the Lake Martin Area United Way. Visit their website for more information and to get involved. The United Way contributes annually to Camp ASCCA, providing funds allowing campers from the Tallapoosa and Coosa County to attend summer camp.

By Dana Rickman

Photo from left to right: John Ferguson, John Stephenson, Shaun Thompson, and Derryl Thompson

Read the related article from the Alexander City Outlook here.

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