Making the Most of Summer

Camp ASCCA 2010 counselor Elizabeth Hill recently participated in an interview for Crimson Connections, a newsletter for University of Alabama Parents. The article focuses on how students can make the most of their summer months and Elizabeth spoke of Camp ASCCA! See page two of the newsletter!

“Summers provide a great opportunity for students to explore their
interests. Internships, summer camps and campus programs are
designed to help students discover strengths, weaknesses and
passions. As students are willing to try new experiences, often
they uncover hidden abilities, interests and values. Sophomore
Elizabeth Hill changed academic directions after her summer
experience, “[Camp] ASCCA influenced me to changed my major
from Economics and Spanish to Special Education. I had always
entertained the thought of being a teacher and after having met
some incredible people at ASCCA, there was no other major I
could fathom being in.” Stories like Elizabeth’s are not uncommon
for students who are willing to explore their curiosity. Encourage
your student to starting thinking about how he or she can use
the summer months to discover something new.”

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