Meet Camp ASCCA Aquatics Staffer Jodie Baker

Each day this week, I will be focusing on one individual from our program staff that is a part of our aquatics staff here at Camp ASCCA. Today, I will tell you a little about Jodie Baker.

Jodie is from Birmingham, Alabama, and this is her fourth summer working at Camp ASCCA. Jodie has done a lot over the past three years, such as being a CIT, SCIT, and a counselor. This summer, Jodie has joined our program staff team and she will be working with all of the aquatics activities here at Camp. When I asked Jodie why she wanted to be involved in aquatics, she said, “during my time working at Camp, the aquatics activities have always been my favorite, and because I wanted to try something new.”

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Jodie enjoys all of the water activities we have at Camp, but her favorite is tubing with campers. She added, “It is something that they do not get to do normally and nothing beats the look on their faces while tubing.” Everyone leaves Camp with a lot of memories, but for Jodie, one memory sticks out to her. When I asked her about her favorite memory, she said, “A camper who has always used a wheelchair at the splash pad decided that she wanted to walk around the splash pad instead of being in her chair, so she got up and walked around the splash pad for the first time ever.”

Outside of Camp, Jodie is an Auburn University student majoring in Communication Disorders. When Jodie graduates from Auburn, her plan is to get her masters degree in Speech Pathology. While her time at Auburn is spent mostly on studying for her classes, Jodie takes time to be actively involved in the Auburn-Opelika Young Life group. Whatever water activity Jodie will be doing this summer, she will always have a smile on her face. We can not thank Jodie enough for all of her hard work over the past three years.

Be sure to keep up with our aquatics staff this week and other news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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